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  • Writer's pictureBrainstorm

Brainstorm Brings (Model) Brains to Emeryville 4-H Club

As part of our goal to expand our partner organizations around the Bay Area, Brainstorm is incredibly excited to bring model brains over to the Emeryville 4-H Club! Children ages 7-10 will participate in monthly hands-on educational workshops to learn about brain structure and function, how neurons work, and how the senses work.

Our club meetings will be held on the UC Berkeley campus to give participants a glimpse into university life and hopefully inspire them to later pursue higher education (maybe even in neuroscience!). With provided take-home informational packets and brain crafts that participants will make, we hope to share the importance of learning about the body and being active in scientific research.


If your organization is interested in partnering with Brainstorm, please reach out to us via our contact form.

We look forward to Brainstorming with you!

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